Thursday, March 22, 2012

Reorganize 2012: I've been Cluttersharked!

If you are new to this blog then I should tell you that I call my mom Cluttershark.  She got this nickname because she was circling the downstairs of my house and attacking piles of clutter.  No clutter can hide from her and as long as she is awake in my house, she is thinking about the clutter she can shark away.  Well she has been visiting for the last 12 days today she leaves :( and the spaces I thought were complete, were actually not good enough and she cluttersharked them.  

Area #1- the table in the basement.  
I love to just bring things to the basement and instead of putting them away I drop them on this table.  I know you are thinking, "what table?" 
ahhh so much better!!  This needs to stay almost clear so when Hubby's co-worker comes over to work, we don't have last minute cleaning to do.

Area #2- the basement stairs landing.
This was actually really dangerous.  Hubby was walking past this gauntlet with his hot tea several times a day.  
I had some Trones from IKEA in the basement and decided to put them to use holding some craft stuff I had under my coffee table.

  I am also going to try really hard to not put things on the steps and leave them there.

I decided it probably wasn't safe to keep my scissors where PB could reach them. He has never gone in that basket and probably didn't know it was there, but I feel much safe now knowing he won't be able to reach them until he is my height.  
The bottom one is holding the project I am currently working on.  Now I don't have a pile on the side table by the couch.  Feels much cleaner in my living room.  

Area #3 the entertaining closet.
I wish I remembered to take a before picture.  She started cluttersharking so quickly in this closet that I didn't even think to take one.  But trust me, it was bad.  If i thought it was bad then it must have been bad. 
 I had no idea I had a million napkins.  I officially never have to buy another entertaining napkin for the rest of my life.  Now everything has a place and I purged things I haven't used in years.  
Here is my stockpile of plates and napkins.  Now I am ready to host MOMS Club breakfasts and I don't have to get anything!

There was one more area that was cluttersharked, but I'll share that tomorrow!! Thanks for reading!!! 


suzieQ said...

Oh, the before pictures look like my house. Tell your mom the swimming is good in at other seas, if she is EVER bored.

Kris @ said...

LOL!!!! i will be sure to tell her :)

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