First you need to know that I love those little info-commercials showing you a ridiculous problem and the fantastic way they fix it with this new thing. Here is my latest favorite about ear wax removal.
This is the Odd Job Tool and Hubby got me this for Christmas. It is the perfect gift me for me because I am always using the screwdriver as a hammer.
It has gotten a ton of use this week because we got our IKEA furniture delivery the day after Christmas. We have been slowly putting things together in the basement. We have a few more pieces to put together and then we can put all our stuff away!! I can't wait!! We also got PB's big boy bed delivered and are going to be working on his room soon, we just have to clear out the old stuff.
It has been a while, so here is a pregnancy update:
This is my 31.5 week belly.
How far along: 32 weeks tomorrow
Total weight gain: 14 pounds 2 weeks ago but this was a tasty week filled with cookies :)
Stretch marks: Not yet
Sleep: Not getting much of this! I wake up a ton.
Sleep: Not getting much of this! I wake up a ton.
Best moment of this week: PB calls me "Pregnant Mommy" whenever I talk about eating food. He also calls the baby "my baby." It's so sweet.
Miss anything: Sleeping on my stomach
Movement: TONS! I think the baby is trying to break out!
Food cravings: McD cheeseburgers, french fries, cookies, tacos, spicy salsa. Basically I just want to eat junk all the time. I don't, but i want to.
Anything making you queasy or sick: Lettuce, all veggies, chicken that isn't fried and hummus
Happy or moody most of the time: Pretty happy
Feet?: I have a total eclipse of my feet. PB and Hubby help me put on my slippers :)
We really have nothing ready yet. We still do not have a good list of names. My Mom checked 2 name books out of the library for us and I have been browsing but not loving anything. This weekend we are taking PB on a tour of the hospital. We still have not taken any of the clothes out of storage or set the rooms up, but I am hoping some of that gets started this weekend. The first bin of clothes we have from PB has a lot of white and yellow in it so if this one is a girl, we will be ok for a while.
I hope you all have a great weekend!!