I was going to wait until tomorrow to share this, but I was too excited :)
My craft area is done!!! It's done, I have been sewing in there and it is fantastic!!!
Everyone loves a good before and after, so here you go:
I picked the worst of the recent before pics. This is before the area was cluttersharked, emptied, new floors were installed, the room was painted and I got some working storage solutions. I think what makes this space look so much better is the shelves are all set to the same height all the way across and my bins match each other a little better.
Let's look at the space really big:
I did get rid of a lot of stuff that I wasn't using. I also inherited Hubby's old desk, it's the one on the right. It is a bigger desk than I had before and matches perfectly. I also got some drawers at IKEA for my fabric. I had a stack of empty orange bins waiting to be used in this space.
My Mom helped me go through everything and reorganize it in new bins. I would not have gotten rid of so much if my Mom wouldn't have really grilled me about what I actually need and am going to use. Many of the things I was keeping I got from her 10 years ago when she moved to AZ and I still hadn't used it. We got rid of all that stuff. I also moved away from open container storage. I was putting lots of things in vases that I made when I was taking and teaching ceramics. Some of those vases just weren't pretty and it looked like a crap pile having them all together. Hubby wasn't using his little drawers, so I got to take those too :) Really the only thing purchased for my space was the big drawers, the rest was free.
Hubby was due for a new desk, and part of why he wanted to give his old desk to me is so he could have a conference space.
Hubby works from home, unless he is traveling, and he has to meet with his team sometimes. That means the guys come to our house. My sewing stuff can be moved out of the way onto the corner desk and the big table can be swung out and 2 people can work there. When only one person comes to work with him, I just clear my sewing machine off my desk and leave it where it is.
Here is a look of how nice it is for Hubby now when people come over to work. They all can easily meet and talk. The guys love the new space, they didn't like the murder red carpet either. Also a comment was made about me probably liking orange. I have a ton of orange stuff but it doesn't hit you in the face when you walk in the house, it's one of those things you just realize after being in here a little while :)
Here is how I am using those little drawers. One is for sewing and the other is for other misc. craft and office stuff.
I have thread organized by color (thanks Mom) and all my thread for my serger is in the second drawer. In the other unit I have everything I use semi regularly all laid out so I can see it. I also moved my safety pins out of the coffee mug I had and into a drawer organizer that lifts out of the drawer. I can fit more pins and not have to look at them all the time.
You only see 2 drawers in each unit because the 3rd one in each just has stuff piled in it. I need to have a few places that are junky places that I can stick things I don't know what to do with and not feel guilty.
Well, that is my space!! I knew it felt better but I didn't know just how much better it looked until I saw the before pic:
This space has come a very long way!
I can't wait to get down there and sew some more!!
Also this weekend...

Hubby's car got parked in the garage again!! That means all the stuff is out of there and we are almost done putting it all away :) more basement reveal to come soon!