Thursday, October 20, 2011

Another Card Swap and Zipper pouch

 I did another card swap.  The theme was fall/ halloween/ thanksgiving/ birthday.  I did Fall and since I am a one trick pony, I made fabric cards again :) Check out the cards I got in the swap:
Fall and Birthday

Halloween.  The ladies came up with some really cute cards.  

I also sent out the zipper pouch to the winner of my 1 year giveaway...

I would love to say that PB's Halloween Costume was finished... but it's not.  I KNOW I AM FREAKING OUT!!!! The past 2 weeks have been too crazy.  I need to get this done!


Sam W. said...

i loooove my pouch :) it's filled with my work makeup backup supplies!

Lindsay @ Delighted Momma said...

What a great pouch that is!! You are pretty crafty! Do you have an Etsy shop? Im gonna look around to see :)

Shanea said...

Cool pouch! The card swap is always a great them!

Anonymous said...

Your contents are too straightforward to browse and easy to understand. ID Butterfly Pouches

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