I am very excited to announce that we are expecting a baby in February!! I am 14 weeks and have been very, very sick this summer. That is why I have been such a blog slacker. Do you forgive me? I got the idea for this pic on pinterest :)
PB is THRILLED to be becoming a big brother. He has been asking for a sibling for a while now and he just can't wait. He went to an ultrasound and saw the baby flipping all over. He is just so proud to tell people that he is going to be a big brother.
It has been so hard to keep this secret. Every week when I would say we haven't crossed anything off our summer bucket list I just wanted to say, "the only thing I am doing with a bucket lately is puking in it." We finally got to tell all our extended family this week so the news it out!!
Here are some random things I have been wanting to share with you all for weeks:
1. How can one tiny little baby make a person so sick! I am on my second round of medication for nausea. It has been bad. This happened with PB too.
2. We are not finding out the gender :)
3. We haven't even begun discussing names, this is the worst part for us.
4. I can't wait to start sewing baby things!! All those baby projects I made for others, I get to make for myself!!
5. Pretzels make me puke but tomatoes, spicy salsa, and hot wings make me feel better.
6. Some days all I want to eat is tacos. This happened with PB too.
7. I don't even want to think about grilled chicken right now. Just typing it almost made me toss my cookies.
8. I made Hubby a coconut cake for his birthday and the baby decided I couldn't eat any icing that week. :-/
9. I keep spontaneously falling asleep in the afternoons. There is no controlling it.
10. I am just so excited to be expanding our family. I really don't care if this is a boy or a girl, I am just excited that we will be a family of four.
Thanks so much for being patient with me this summer. I have started to look at fabrics and possibilities for things I am making for the baby. There is going to be a lot of orange for sure!! I can't wait!!
CONGRATS!! Well, orange is the perfect color for a boy OR girl. So excited for you guys. Currently eagerly awaiting our baby #2's arrival any day now! Congrats again.
You are going to be a great mom of two!
yay!!!! Congratulations! I love the pictures. It is amazing how sick little babies can make their mommas. Hang in there, you are almost to the end of the sickness (hopefully). :-)
I could not be happier for you. Just super excited! The PB picture is such a great idea. Love the way his little feet are turned in and his expression....perfecto.
Rest up Momma, you have already endured your share of pregnancy stuff ;P
wow - great news! i love the pictures!
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