Monday, January 23, 2012

Reorganization 2012: the 3 messiest parts of my kitchen

I have 3 awful spaces in my kitchen.  
My junk drawer,

my baking cabinet, 
and the ice tea maker, pitcher and catch all cabinet.  

I started by de-junking my junk drawer.
I took out the plastic wrap, bags and aluminum foil. 

Then I dumped the rest of the drawer in a pile.  

I vacuumed and cleaned the drawer and then put the plastic wrap, bags and aluminum foil back along with all my empty bins.  

One by one I checked all the pens and markers and sorted everything. I also added that orange bin in the front of the drawer. Before there was no bin and all that stuff would get stuck under the plastic wrap and make the drawer hard to open and close. 

I trashed some things and put other things back where they belonged.  

Now my drawer opens and closes smoothly.  I think I am going to call this my utility drawer instead of the junk drawer.  

Now the baking cabinet:
When I started the cabinet wouldn't close. 
I removed some of those tiny sprinkles containers and cupcake liners.  I also regrouped and changed where things were kept. Now the cabinet closes and I don't knock all the pans out of the cabinet and on the floor when I bake.  

All those cupcake liners and sprinkles containers needed a home.  That brings us to the random ice tea maker cabinet.  
I found this spice rack at HomeGoods last week.  I can not be trusted in that store alone.

It fits perfectly on the top shelf of the cabinet.  All the cupcake liners fit perfectly on the top shelf.  My piping bags just fit next to the shelves.  

All of my sprinkles are now easy to see and access.  

I moved some things out of this cabinet and just organized it better.  
I had this pile of donate, trash and store in the entertaining closet. 

Now my 3 worst spaces are so much easier to use.  it only took about 40 minutes total.  

What is your worst space in your kitchen?

1 comment:

Shanea said...

Looks great. I think I have about that amount of sprinkles too, I have a sprinkles addiction. I don't really eat them but I decorate my son's food all the time. Looks so much better.
My kitchen is pretty good since i just decluttered last week. When you get to the laundry area, I may have some dirty laundry to air :)

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