WOW were these spaces jam packed with clutter! The freezer in our house is where things go to die. I think, "ooooh, I'll freeze this chili and enjoy it later!" Well I found 3 containers of chili in the freezer and they were reaching the year marker. Not good, Kris... not good.
The pantry and freezer before.
It was awful trying to find things in there. The pantry especially. I found 3 jars of unopened pizza sauce, 2 jars unopened pasta sauce and in the freezer I found 3 unopened bags of frozen corn. I was buying things I didn't know I had, what a waste of money!
The second worst thing I found in the freezer was baby food cubes from last year and now for the worst... one baggie of breast milk. I was pretty surprised to find that. I thought I got rid of all of them when PB stopped breastfeeding almost a year ago, I guess there was a straggler.
My baking shelf was a disaster, it is still a little messy but it will be better when all the duplicates are gone. (4 opened bags of powdered sugar.) Peanut Butter's snack shelf was the worst. He goes and pulls things out and puts things back by himself. I think I need to get some containers so things don't get stale and he can see what he is grabbing.
The pantry and freezer after.
It feels zen now. I don't dread going in there. The best part is when I go shopping, I know what I have. No more over buying. Also when I buy food, there will be space for it. I was letting things pile up on the counters because it wouldn't fit in the pantry.
Hey Mom, I found extra coffee! You were right, I did have some in the freezer.
Now I need to get my butt in gear! There is about 33 days until PB's birthday and I haven't done 1/2 of the things on my list. Hopefully my Miami getaway will give me the push to get everything done!
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