Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Happy 4th Birthday PB!!!!

It's PB's birthday and he is 4!  
We did a photo shoot this weekend when the weather was beautiful. This was his favorite picture from the shoot.  He thinks he is so funny. 

The past 4 years have flown by.  He has changed so much!! Here is a look back at the last 4 years:
The top left is his birth pic, all 9 pounds and 22 inches of him!!!  He was 1 in the blue sweater.  Sticking his tongue out he is 2.  The last one with the sweet smile, he is 3.  

We are celebrating big today.  This is his first birthday on a school day and he is bringing snack.  He picked donuts.  I also decorated his doorway and the bathroom with streamers.  We have out of town visitors!!! My bro, SIL and Nephew are visiting for a few days :) We are going to go to dinner and end the day with ice cream cake and presents.  I plan to get a million kisses on those cheeks today too, if he lets me :)

PB is such a sweet boy and I am one lucky Mom.  We are so excited to be celebrating him today!


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